Saturday, June 30, 2007

This is it, the first one!

Maybe I shouldn't be one of the few remaining people without a blog. So Ta DAA!

The astounding internet growth in even just the last couple of years is so amazing to me. And U-Tube, I can spend hours there if I don't (do) watch it. Yeah, well, sorry about that.

Tonight I am thinking about the Mystery Stole 3 KAL. My vanilla yarn is not here yet. I am so surprised at the number of lace knitters who have already finished the first clue. I am painfully slow at lace knitting. Practice makes better, surely, so I will plod along and enjoy.

Let's see how a picture does:


Unknown said...

Hi there! It's your kid, boy not goat.

wilsonamyr said...

Your sister likes your blogspot. It's wry and amusing. It's humble yet confident.

wilsonamyr said...

My sister, the knitter, spinner, blogger and--who knows what the future holds? She may be a picker and a grinner before all is said and done!

N. Maria said... take great pictures!!! I love the one with the comb. I have a few boxes of my mother's wool (well, not hers but her sheeps) that I need to finish up. I have all the stuff like a drum carder, etc. so I need to get 'er done!
Beautiful, beautiful pictures!