Sunday, October 28, 2007

'Really' a blogger - I'm tagged - and whatever I was thinking of last night that I was sure would be a superlative blog posting, fascinating.etc.....

I have been tagged
by Jan, another square weave member. So:

Ok now, let me try to see if there are any facts about me, instead of just wispy thought fragments wafting around. hmmm..

1. I will try to find the humor in a situation, even a really crummy one. There's always some there somewhere. Might as well enjoy whatever you can salvage.

2. Some of my favorite enjoyments are sunlight, wind, an animal looking in my eyes (this includes my husband), a really soft old shirt. that's enough......

3.I keep trying to like turnips. They just make me sick, ugh.. but I want to like them. They seem(like most root foods) to be so basic and good that I would like to be able to enjoy them. The smell ...BLEECH!

4. Like a lot of folks, I know for sure there is a wonderful writer in my head and heart. And I was definitely meant to be an actress. The thought of having 'work' where I was supposed to put myself into being different sorts of people sounds perfect! I could do that very well.

5.! Way too overboard! I cry watching the Olympics, hearing beautiful music, watching a geyser, seeing a baby, good grief it is ridiculous.....

6. When having a hard time getting to sleep I can start spinning, dyeing, and knitting a sock, watching the patterns/colors emerge. This totally absorbs my mind and I can drift off.

7. Finding new things to learn is one of my favorite things to do. That's why I really appreciate being tagged. Not the most internet savvy person here. Every little bit helps...

The two pictures above are a stained glass we found to put in a window we have needed something for for a long time. Yes, I know it doesn't fit. But we in our great wisdom have decided that it is better like that. Here's the can see the leaves and sunshine around the edges. Very Pleasing, that's my story.
Well, I have had a fun time learning how to do links. (lie, but good for the brain) More next time, hopefully that will be sooner than usual for me. bye

I tagged Hannah, Sara, and CL

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cotton pickin weavin fun

Originally uploaded by teaheadme

Have been working on Weavette squares for the Square Deal Weave-Along. I'm really glad this group started. I need a swatch size loom to learn on. It is a lot quicker to whip out one of these squares than to set up the 32" loom.
Also, I got just a tiny bit of cotton at an auction yesterday. Just one bag full....HA! It has been ginned, but needs a bit of cleaning. Have no idea how old it is or where it came from. The white in the blue and white square is from my auction cotton. The last (blue) layer was really hard to weave, next time I would use a few less plies of cotton. There are only 13 lbs. of cotton in the sack, so I will have to really conserve....hah!! The best cotton I have had so far is definitely some I released from some plants that really wanted to be picked. And that's all I will say about that. Now I want my own cotton, or at least to find a friendly farmer who would love for me to come lighten up just a little of his cotton when it's ready to pick. Gotta go try to be sleepy. Should go sit down in front of the tv. Lately, that is all it takes. Take Care.