Saturday, June 30, 2007


Fiber Babble said...

Congratulations on joining the blogosphere! It may be presumptuous of me, but if you need any blogging help, I'll help where I can.

Thanks for stopping by my blogand leaving the info about - I'm on my way over there now, since I've decided that I will try to do TWO MS3's at once!

nancy said...

Thanks so much! I am so new at this, I jump up and down every time I get a comment, or I post a picture. Computer is getting dizzy.
I need so much help, I don't know what to ask yet. Now I have to figure out how to make a link on here. Good to know I can call on you! My 12 year old nephew would grin and have it done in a couple seconds.
Glad to hear you are going to Fusionbeads. Originally I was going to get the same beads our fearlesslaceleader did (hey, I like that..) but the shipping costs really got me.