Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
long time no write - blogger hardly knew me
Well, Thought I would never get on here. Seems like blogger thinks it has been too long. Hope I don't lose what I have here. We are going to visit our fantastic grandson, as well as a pretty decent son and daughter in law! Seriously, they are the most amazing parents. Keenan is so fortunate. I have to get back to packing, just wanted to put in an appearance. May put up a pic or two of our Yellowstone trip. Well, perhaps not. Seems to be stalled out. nancy
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Glad to see I have comments!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
After the Holidays.... this, too, will pass ?
My Vermont family is back home, we have had *&^$ computer problems, both are trying to get over a crummy virus that's making us miserable. I guess stating all that is in the way of an excuse for not posting sooner, not that I really need one. After all, it is my own place to put my words, etc, etc.
Did some spindle spinning of pharmaceutical-type cotton on the deck today. Had to get the 'twist' of that. Then finally allowed myself to get back to the charkha and some of the same cotton. If I find a fiber type pursuit that I'm afraid I can't do, then I have to get it down. Maybe there will be a test someday.
Am thinking about taking a weaving workshop in March. But then I would want a loom with at least 4 harnesses. Haven't done a whole lot with my Kromski rigid heddle yet. Have also won a little Harrisville 12" by 16" lap loom that should get here in a few days. When I have a quick urge to see how something would look, it will be easy to grab,warp, and play.
Today I was sitting outside enjoying the sunshine. Haven't been able to do that for a while. It has been so cold. We have been sick and mostly staying in. So I got to feeling a bit like a convalescing passenger on board ship today. Just sitting in the sunshine, being very still and quiet. The birds got used to us and resumed their suet responsibilities with gusto.
I started thinking very intensely of people I have known who died way too early. If that sounds morose, it was much more than that. Memories of the light in their eyes when being very animated, sounds of voices not to be heard again, the essence of the person that surrounded them. I remember, I remember, I cherish my memories. Am thankful to have known each one. Still have a part of each one. Very thankful that I am still here to remember and sit in the sunshine, being very still, letting myself remember.
That may not have been the kind of thing you would prefer to read, but I did start this so I could have a place to ramble on. So Beware the Rambler, the Escort, the Minivan, the Pickup line.... Ok, so here are a few pictures: But, of course, this is now Feb. 6th. And the pictures (which I thought didn't make it when I started this post and I got all frustrated and am just now coming back to find they are here and they are at the top) So, they are mostly some pics of my vary favorite fibers. I haven't used any of them 'cause I have been saving them. ?? So, time to stop saving and start using. Enough already. DH talking while I am finishing and I am getting irritated. bye, Nancy
Sunday, October 28, 2007
'Really' a blogger - I'm tagged - and whatever I was thinking of last night that I was sure would be a superlative blog posting, fascinating.etc.....
title continued: of course now you have interrupted me and I will probably never remember what it was. And it was SO good.......... All my
trials. However:
I have been tagged
by Jan, another square weave member. So:
Here are the rules which you must abide by if you are tagged.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 3 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
Ok now, let me try to see if there are any facts about me, instead of just wispy thought fragments wafting around. hmmm..
1. I will try to find the humor in a situation, even a really crummy one. There's always some there somewhere. Might as well enjoy whatever you can salvage.
2. Some of my favorite enjoyments are sunlight, wind, an animal looking in my eyes (this includes my husband), a really soft old shirt. that's enough......
3.I keep trying to like turnips. They just make me sick, ugh.. but I want to like them. They seem(like most root foods) to be so basic and good that I would like to be able to enjoy them. The smell ...BLEECH!
4. Like a lot of folks, I know for sure there is a wonderful writer in my head and heart. And I was definitely meant to be an actress. The thought of having 'work' where I was supposed to put myself into being different sorts of people sounds perfect! I could do that very well.
5.! Way too overboard! I cry watching the Olympics, hearing beautiful music, watching a geyser, seeing a baby, good grief it is ridiculous.....
6. When having a hard time getting to sleep I can start spinning, dyeing, and knitting a sock, watching the patterns/colors emerge. This totally absorbs my mind and I can drift off.
7. Finding new things to learn is one of my favorite things to do. That's why I really appreciate being tagged. Not the most internet savvy person here. Every little bit helps...
The two pictures above are a stained glass we found to put in a window we have needed something for for a long time. Yes, I know it doesn't fit. But we in our great wisdom have decided that it is better like that. Here's the can see the leaves and sunshine around the edges. Very Pleasing, that's my story.
Well, I have had a fun time learning how to do links. (lie, but good for the brain) More next time, hopefully that will be sooner than usual for me. bye
I tagged Hannah, Sara, and CL
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Cotton pickin weavin fun
Have been working on Weavette squares for the Square Deal Weave-Along. I'm really glad this group started. I need a swatch size loom to learn on. It is a lot quicker to whip out one of these squares than to set up the 32" loom.
Also, I got just a tiny bit of cotton at an auction yesterday. Just one bag full....HA! It has been ginned, but needs a bit of cleaning. Have no idea how old it is or where it came from. The white in the blue and white square is from my auction cotton. The last (blue) layer was really hard to weave, next time I would use a few less plies of cotton. There are only 13 lbs. of cotton in the sack, so I will have to really conserve....hah!! The best cotton I have had so far is definitely some I released from some plants that really wanted to be picked. And that's all I will say about that. Now I want my own cotton, or at least to find a friendly farmer who would love for me to come lighten up just a little of his cotton when it's ready to pick. Gotta go try to be sleepy. Should go sit down in front of the tv. Lately, that is all it takes. Take Care.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
New Post! Astounding!
We have been having problems with a raccoon trying to sneak up during the night to eat the dog food I leave out. I know, 'don't leave it out', I agree. However, the other morning the cat was making a strange noise like cats do and this is what I saw. Poor raccoon, trapped !! I guess the dog finally got tired and his friend escaped. It hasn't been back since so maybe getting caught up in a tree was for the best. He looked at me like he felt SO helpless.
These carp were at a local boat dock. Fish food was the cause of all this commotion. A catfish or two even made an appearance.
Wish I could report that the lovely new deck is all finished and the house power washed and both of them stained. Can't say that though.....sigh....may be Christmas at this rate.
Have been spinning more cotton. And now Penny on the Spindler/Charkha list is responsible for my having to learn how to make double decrease squares to make a cotton top. Her pictures are so lovely. I had not thought I was much interested in small sections of knitting joined together. Most of the entrelac things don't do much for me. Guess I just needed for the right picture of the right fabric in a garment that captured my attention to come up. So, Penny has caused me to print out bunches of mitre pages and to not get anything done on projects I need to finish first. It seems so difficult to just stay with one thing till it's finished. So much more entertaining to go with whatever grabs my attention. That's the fun of it!
I want to apologize for not responding to the comments that were already sent on previous posts. Keep forgetting to go to check out yahoo mail messages. I appreciate getting comments so much. Thanks!! good nite