This picture shows where my mistake is. The bead straight down from the letter'p' in picture is it. See, not too bad at all. 
Here is a picture of my little harvest of yesterday. Kinda pretty, but it is on a regular sized saucer. Not the biggest tomato! Was very tasty though.
Gateway thinks tomatoes are small potatoes next to pics of him. Also had to put up the family of turkeys outside the computer room window the other day. Must have had something very tasty in that grass.
- Hey guess what. Go ahead. Ok, I got my Ravelry invite tonight. All I can say is Wow! If I had a problem using up too much time on the computer before......there is So Much great stuff on Ravelry! And that led me to cold -brewing coffee, a really cool video about making wrist warmers and knitted shoes and making shrinky dink type jewelry and you get the idea. I am definitely in trouble now.
- MS 3 was such a satisfying knit. Now I have a Rob Roy shawl, my box charka to get going on, a Peace Fleece sweater I just have to put together ( for me). an afghan I meant to have ready for my step dil last Christmas, spinning on the wheel. I have to use up some stash, yarn and fiber. I just can't justify getting more. But then, who wants to go around justifying everything anyway...... hope you are having a good time too!
Love your stole! And a relief that you were able to medn it!
Happy knitting! AnneB
Your stole is beautiful! Great Job!
Your stole is beautiful!!!! Maters look yummy and kitty so cute!!!!
well done on finishing your shawl!! It looks lovely.
Your MS3 shawl came out beautiful! Love it.
The kitty and the turkeys are neat too, but the kitty is much cuter. I think turkeys are pretty ugly.
Congrats on getting into Ravelry, I'm still way down on the list.
Great job on the shawl.
Sheri in GA (from MS3 KAL)
You write very well.
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